Starpet Marketing

"Your Pets' Partner" Starpet Marketing Pte Ltd is an authorised sole distributor in the South-East Asian region.

Importer of various well-known high quality affordable pet care products with wide range of animal merchandise.


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Product Brand

Marukan Spray Millet for Birds and Small Animals 5pc (MR835)

Marukan Spray Millet for Birds and Small Animals 5pc (MR835)

Retail Price: SGD7.90

Marukan spray millet for birds and small animals can be easily attached to the cage with a clip. Pure ears that nature fostered. No additive / no colouring. "Ears of delicious millet" returned to the origin of nature, maintains the health of pets, and gives the taste of food—suitable for weaning off birds and even small animals like hamsters and gerbils.

  • Natural
  • Delicious
  • Boost appetite for sick birds
  • Easy to chew
  • Suitable for weaned-off birds

Ingredients: Spray Millet

Product Analysis: Crude protein...9.4%, Crude fat....3.2%, Crude fibre....7.5%, Crude ash.....3.4%

Barcode: 4906456557234